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Scott Guyant

Hi, my name is Scott Guyant. I moved to Montana 7 years ago following my Professor wife who teaches here at MSUN. I got my Bachelor of Science in General Studies in 2001. I then proceeded to take 20 years off though worked small jobs here and there. Though my main responsibility was raising my kids as a stay at home dad. In 2021 I went back to school to get my Master degree in Library Science where I focused in Reference and Instruction along with Children and Teen Literature. I graduated in December 2023 from Pennsylvania Western Clarion. I started out as a Library Clerk in the Vande Bogart Library and quickly moved up to becoming a Library Tech II and now have again been elevated to a Reference and Instruction Librarian. I am currently in charge of most of the Reference and Instruction in the library. Along with running our Testing Services and Interlibrary Loans. My door is always open and I am always willing to help you in any way I can. Stop in, we can chat about books or that dreaded research assignment you know is due soon.